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Brookfield Public Schools

Create Your Tomorrow

Student Registration

Welcome to the Brookfield Public School District!

*Please scroll through and read all information on this page below*

For students entering grades K-12 AND students who have received notification of acceptance into the PreK program. 

Our school system has an easy-to-use, secure online registration system.  Parents/guardians may use a smartphone, tablet, or computer to complete the registration process.  Parents/guardians must register each child separately.  Students will be officially enrolled after the school receives and processes all submitted electronic data and required documentation.

During the registration process you will be prompted to complete online forms, an online Language Survey and upload all required documentation. Below is a list of documentation that will be required during your registration process.  Please gather the necessary paperwork prior to beginning the online registration process.  Scan or create a picture of the required/additional documents.  Document files (PDF, JPG, JPEG.) are compatible. 

Upon completion of all required paperwork online, please contact the Registrar below to continue registration

*CLICK HERE: 2025-2026 BPS Kindergarten Registration Information*

Pre-K and Kindergarten
Mrs. Lisa Ruggles, Admin Assistant
(203) 775-7675 ext. 2001

Grades 1-12
Mrs. Deb Helming, District Registrar

(203) 775-7710 ext. 3004

Registration Process

  • > Complete and prepare all required documents

  • > To begin the process, you must first have a valid e-mail address. If you do not currently have an email address. You can utilize Google to set up a free Gmail account.   

  • >  Complete the Pre-Enrollment form. Once the form is submitted, the registrar will start the enrollment process for your student. Click here to access the form Pre-Enrollment Form.

  • > You will receive a welcome email ( to the email address provided on the pre-enrollment form).  This  email contains a password protected document. Use your student's first name as the password to download the attachment. The document will outline the next steps in the process.

Preschool Program 2025-2026 Application Form

  • If you have a Preschool aged child are interested in the BPS Preschool Program! Please complete the following form for your child to be considered for the Preschool Program at Candlewood Lake Elementary School for the 2025-2026 school year.

    CLES Preschool Program Application 2025-2026

    Please reach out to Taryn Faynor, Supervisor of Special Education, if you have any questions.

    Taryn Faynor
    Supervisor of Special Education 
    Candlewood Lake Elementary School
    Brookfield Public Schools
    (203) 775-7675

Proof of Residency Guidelines

  • If the Parent/Legal Guardian of the student is: Proof of Residency Requirements are as follows:

    Real Estate Tax Bill, Property Deed, Current Mortgage Statement or Settlement Statement (new homeowners only) to your Brookfield Home AND One (1) current utility bill showing your name and address (cable, electric, gas, telephone, cell phone).

    Leasing/Renting in Brookfield but you DO NOT have a signed lease

    Notarized Landlord Affidavit form, including landlord contact information. AND Two (2) current utility bills showing your name and Brookfield address (cable, electric, gas, telephone, cell phone).

    Leasing/Renting in Brookfield AND you have a signed lease

    Lease must be unexpired and signed by lessor/lessee and dated. Landlord contact information must be provided. AND Two (2) current utility bills showing your name and address (cable, electric, gas, telephone, cell phone).

    Do not own or rent, but are living with a Brookfield resident

    REQUIRED: Two (2) notarized affidavits, Residency Affidavit Forms


    Two (2) current utility bills showing your name and address (cable, electric, gas, telephone, cell phone).

    One (1) current utility bill and tax bill from the Brookfield property owner must also be presented with the owner's name and the Brookfield address.


    If you live in a household where all utilities are in someone else's name or utilities are included as part of your rental agreement, please choose two (2) of the acceptable residency documents that display your Brookfield address:

    • Valid driver’s license or valid CT DMV photo identification (stickers not allowed)
    • Valid automobile registration
    • Current homeowners insurance or automobile insurance
    • Current payroll stub
    • Current bank or credit card statement
    • Current letters from governmental agencies; or current court documents

    Submission of a utility bill may still be required to prove that the residence is occupied.


    ** Post Office boxes and Shut off notices do not meet residency requirements. Motor vehicle tax bills and water/sewer bills are not acceptable for proof of residency.

    Documents must be less than 30 days old. Without proof of residency the registration process cannot be completed.**

Documents Needed For Registration

For Assistance

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact the District Registrar:

Pre-K and Kindergarten
Mrs. Lisa Ruggles, Admin Assistant

(203) 775-7675 ext. 2001

Grades 1-12
Mrs. Deb Helming, District Registrar
(203) 775-7710 ext. 3004

School Registrar Contact Information:

Brookfield High School (grade 9-12)

Whisconier Middle School (grade 6-8)

Candlewood Lake Elementary School  (grades PK-5)

Free & Reduced Lunch Program

If applying for the Free & Reduced Lunch Program, mail completed form to:
Brookfield Public Schools
100 Pocono Road
Brookfield, CT 06804

F/R Lunch Application - English

F/R Lunch Application - Spanish