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Brookfield Public Schools

Create Your Tomorrow

Developing Study Skills

Developing Study Skills


  • Use each new word in a sentence.
  • Say the words out loud while studying.
  • Tape record the words and then listen to them.
  • Fold a page in half, write the words on one side, the definition or a synonym on the other.
  • Make use of the words as much as possible.
  • Make use of visual imagery (mental images) whenever possible.


  • Take notice of accented words. (The use of accents needs to be stressed, because without it the word could have a different meaning.
  • Learn the sounds of the letters in the alphabet. Some foreign languages are phonetic (meaning the words are spelled the way they sound). Ex. Spanish. 


  • Review the reading; look for examples of new grammar.
  • Try to use the form while practicing vocabulary.
  • Try to identify the forms you already know.
  • Use the new forms in written and spoken examples.
  • Practice by making up your own examples. 

Reading and Listening

  • Get the general idea of the selection by reading through it before using the dictionary. .
  • Avoid translating; try to get your native language out of your mind.
  • Read aloud. This will help to pronounce unfamiliar words and remember them.
  • Look for familiar words or roots of words.
  • Only use the dictionary as a last resort. Try to understand the words in their context.
  • Look for nonverbal cues.
  • If you don't know a word, continue listening or reading; don't panic and miss the end of the statement.


  • You won't be able to say as much in the foreign language as in English. Don't worry about sounding simplistic.
  • Don't worry about the grammar; focus on getting your meaning across.
  • Force yourself to talk and think to yourself in the foreign language.
  • Whenever there's an opportunity speak to your friends or native speakers in the foreign language.


  • Write everyday.
  • Do self-tests.
  • Highlight the key points of every chapter.            .
  • Create lists and study sheets; use devices like rhyming and association to help you remember.
  • Carefully listen to everything that happens during class. Mentally try to answer all the questions asked.             


  • Carefully review the work of the day.
  • Review previous work.
  • Self test in writing the examples of that day.

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